One downside to this approach is that it executes in series, so that one computer will update, then the next, then the next until it's finished. The asterisk tells psexec to enumerate the Active Directory computers and servers. You can get the script here: http:/ / / scripts/ show/ 82-windows-update-agent-force-script-email-results-version-2-6
Psexec \\* cscript \\servername\path-to-script\UpdateHF.vbs If you were running this with PSTools you could put the script on a server, install PSTools on a domain controller, and call it from a command prompt on the DC thus: The script is called UpdateHF.vbs and you call it by using cscript UpdateHF.vbs. But I do recommend using WSUS because downloading one set of updates and then having your PC's get their updates from a computer on the LAN is MUCH more efficient, and very much faster for each PC. Installing WSUS and using a group policy will NOT give you the ability to update every PC on demand.
You can use PSTools psexec.exe to call a visual basic script to download and install updates whether you use WSUS or not.